NutriOpt Split-feeding for layers and broilers breeders
The NutriOpt split-feeding system optimises the use of nutrients to increase the number of hatched eggs and chicks produced per hen. It is suitable for both laying hens as well as broilers breeders production. The feeding system also sets a higher standard of animal welfare by decreasing hens' feeling of hunger, increasing satiety and reducing pecking activity. Split feeding is tailored to the hen's daily nutritional requirements for a healthy life and proper egg formation.

NutriOpt Split-feeding for more sustainable poultry production
The nutrient requirements for laying hens vary throughout the day according to their circadian rhythm, which is based on their physiological needs for egg formation. When laying hens are given a diet allowing them to self-select nutrients, they take in more protein and energy in the morning, around the time when the egg is produced. Their intake of calcium, on the other hand, is higher later in the day. This pattern suggests that hens use the energy, protein, calcium and phosphorus more efficiently by consuming these nutrients at the periods of the day when their requirements are highest.

Two diets per day
In the NutriOpt split-feeding system, the morning feed delivers the nutrition for energy, protein and phosphorus for the egg-laying production. The afternoon feed meets the hen's requirements for eggshell formation. By supplying two feeds per day, farmers can deliver a more precise supply of nutrients, tailored to the daily requirements for egg formation processes and the hens’ overall nutritional requirements. More efficient intake of nutrients by hens improves eggshell quality, which increases the number of fertilised and hatched eggs. It also means more chicks can be produced per broiler breeder.
Key benefits of NutriOpt Split-feeding
NutriOpt Split-feeding brings the birds closer to their voluntary feeding behaviour. This system’s ability to address the physiological requirements of the bird makes it a more efficient feeding programme, produces more profitable and sustainable eggs and chicks at a lower production cost, and improves the welfare of the hens.
Key benefits of NutriOpt Split-feeding:
1. Improves eggshell quality
2. Improves sustainability
3. Improves animal welfare
4. Reduces costs
