Trouw Premixes

Premix essentials

Healthy and vital animals need accurate levels of amino acids and other feed additives. In the last 80+ years Trouw Nutrition International built up its profound knowledge of premix formulation and manufacturing. We take special care of stability, homogeneity, free-flowing characteristics, dust control, animal performance and health. Selection, dosing and mixing of micro ingredients is a technology. High quality premixes are essential to the feed industry, integrators and large animal production operations with their own feed plant.

Dedicated quality control

Trouw Nutrition invests in the selection of its suppliers and the premix ingredients used. Careful ingredient screening as well as stringent quality control procedures are key in the daily optimisation of customer specific recipes. We keep samples of all ingredients used and products produced and have adequate traceability systems in place. Each stage of our premix production and distribution is carefully monitored.

The best support you can get

Trouw Nutrition produces complete premixes of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, enzymes and a wide variety of additives. We offer a full range of premix programmes for all species, including customer specific solutions. As our customer, you can get premixes for standard inclusion rates in feed (0,5 – 1,0%) as well as low inclusion (0,1%) rate premixes, depending on your manufacturing equipment and technical needs. Trouw Nutrition advised premix standards are based on the latest R&D results. We support our customers in achieving the best technical and financial results.

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  • Optimal particle size and mixing properties
  • High stability, reduced losses
  • Proven and consistent animal results
  • Unique quality assurance for feed safety