Mycotoxin Risk Management Programme
Mycotoxins produced by moulds are a growing problem in feed production. Trouw Nutrition’s integrated risk management programme enables feed producers to make data-based decisions and use mycotoxin control solutions more precisely to address this issue.
This programme is proven to reduce overall mycotoxin risk by a 3D approach: Risk identification, quality control and application of solutions.
Monitoring the Mycotoxin risk gives producers a competitive advantage and helps them supply quality feed to their customer

"Constant exposure to mycotoxins may lead to chronic toxicity and economic losses. A comprehensive mycotoxin risk management programme should be in place to prevent and reduce such economic losses."

Powerful solutions
Trouw Nutrition’s TOXO products provide a complete solution against a broad spectrum of mycotoxins, combining four main modes of actions, designed to support animal health and performance during mycotoxin exposure.
- Effective absorption ability through smectite-based bentonite clays has been proven by numerous in vivo and in vitro validation studies. These ingredients do not bind to other valuable nutrients in feed.
- Support for gut integrity through specific glucose biopolymers, reinforcing enterocyte tight junction protein complexes, which are damaged by inflammation during mycotoxin exposure.
- Immune system modulation through highly purified Beta glucans, which act as immune modulating agents with proven in vivo and in vivo efficacy.
- Anti-oxidative support through specific antioxidants and vitamins that promote the metabolism of mycotoxins in the liver.